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The school Management Committee, Principal & Staff wishes all the students “Best Wishes” for the Board examination

SaPa Activity Celebration for class II on 22 Feb 25

Republic Day Celebration on 26 Jan 2025

Yuana of grade VII and Asin of grade X selected for Raman awards Nationals Finals

SHRESHTA RAO from LKG has made all of us proud by winning the Beauty Pageant Award

Common Pre-Board for class XII starts from 18 Dec 24 to 13 Jan 25

Common Pre-Board for class X starts from 06 Jan 25 to 17 Jan 25

Board Examination for class XII and X will commence from 15 Feb 25

Winter Vacation from 24 Dec 24 to 02 Jan 25

Annual Day Celebration on 07 Dec 24

ATL inauguration on 25 Nov 24

Srivaruna J has been chosen for The Times NIE Star Correspondent Student Award

Air Force School Jalahalli has been selected for the Junior Level Nationals at the CBSE Regional Science Exhibition

School Level Science Exhibition on 08 Nov 2024

Autumn Break from 08 Oct 24 - 17 Oct 24




From Chairman's Desk

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

I take an immense pleasure in drafting this message. I welcome you all to this new academic session 2024-25. The school is a place to foster a nurturing and challenging educational environment where every student can thrive academically, socially and emotionally.

Principals Message

As the Principal of the school, I feel honoured and privileged to be a part of Air Force School Jalahalli ,where learning is an opportunity to discover and nurture the learners.

Welcome to Airforce School, Jalahalli

In the present day, the importance given to education has intensified. To be a part of the society and contribute to it is not the sole purpose of education. Development of the individual in every aspect is a vital requirement in order to become a better citizen. And for such development of the individual, we, the faculty of Airforce School endeavor to accomplish.To find a place and identity in society one has to be educated. Education refers to acquiring knowledge, skills and attitude. This is strongly understood in Airforce School and hence a balanced mix is offered.

The school aims at strengthening the potentialities of the children by constructive and creative activities for all round development of personality. In addition, building of character, team spirit, dedication to purpose, patriotic outlook and sense of citizenship are inclucated in children.


To inspire our students and prepare them for the challenges of a competitive global community. To instill in them critical thinking, a desire for learning and respect for core values of integrity, compassion and nationalism.

Mission Statement

To develop a holistic programme of intellectual rigour and high academic standards.
To engage young learners through a comprehensive curriculum that would enable problem-solving, critical thinking and collaboration among students.


To pursue excellence and set pace in the field of school education.

To initiate and promote experimentation and innovativeness in education in collaboration with other bodies like the CBSE, NCERT.

To develop the spirit of national integration and create a sense of "Patriotism" among Children.

To maintain the quality of teaching is kept reasonable high by maintaining an appropriate teacher pupil ratio and by appointing suitable teachers with high academic qualifications.

To prepare students for the All India Secondary School and All India Senior.Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education