Throw the waste in the dustbin
- Parents should ensure that their wards reach school atleast 10 min. before the bell (8.30 am).
School main gate will be closed at 8.25 am.
- Parents are expected to co-operate in the work of the school by enforcing regularity and discipline.
They should take personal interest in the child's academic performance and personal hygiene.
- Parents who seek information or who wish to communicate with respect to their ward's class problems
may do so through a note to the class teacher.
- At least 75% attendance is required to write any school exams. A Student of any class with shortage
of attendance / Fee Defaulters / with / without valid reasons, will not be permitted to write exams.
- Students are not permitted not to practice any borrowing or lending.
- The students are expected to set a standard of good conduct and good behaviour in the school, in the
bus and public places. The school is judged by the conduct of the students. Our students should
possess exemplary manners. They are expected to greet their teachers and elders whenever they meet
- Parents and guardians who drop their wards to school are requested to do so till the school gates
and not right up to the classrooms.
- Parents are requested to plan their personal trips / family function as per your ward's annual
planner. Even under medical ground, Re exam / pre-poning / postponing any written exam / activity /
function will not be possible for such cases.